General Assembly of Confindustria Est Europa next May 5th in Rome

General Assembly of Confindustria Est Europa next May 5th in Rome


11.00 Introductory greetings Maria Luisa Meroni President of Confindustria Est Europa Luigi Di Maio Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (VTC)

11.20 Geo-political scenario and challenges of the world to come Paolo Magri ISPI Executive Vice President

11.30 Export and opportunities for Italian companies Alessandro Terzulli Chief Economist SACE

11.45 UniCredit, a pan-European Group to support the processes of internationalization of Corporate customers Alessandro Paoli Head of UniCredit International Center Italy

12.00 Operational support: the role of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Claudio Viezzoli Managing Director, SME Finance & Development EBRD

12.15 Company testimonials Giulio Fumagalli Romario Executive Director of SOL Spa Edoardo Garrone President of the ERG Group

12.35 Conclusions Carlo Bonomi Confindustria President Moderator: Simone Spetia Journalist of 24 Mattino, Radio 24